How a piece by Lineasette is born

Where does Lineasette’s artistic inspiration come from?

Which elements and ideas contribute to bringing an artistic object to life?

How is a piece by Lineasette born?


Every Lineasette artwork is born from the original creativity and precious imagination of our designers.

Unfortunately (or fortunately) there is no context or exact moment, dictated by necessity or desire, in which it is possible to have a “brilliant” idea and thus draw the right design inspiration to give life to a new product.
The origin of every idea is to be referred to strange and unpredictable moments, to chance encounters, to images that catch the eyes and remain impressed in the mind, to lines and shapes that are drawn in the heart, to needs that you feel in yourself or sense in others…

Inspiration can arise while immersed in nature, an inexhaustible source of colours, shapes and dimensions; it can be the result of daily experiences marked by feelings and emotions; it can be found in the study of the Masters of the past, where the taste for Beauty is the centre of the work… when the right inspiration strikes, it is immediately recognizable!

The seed (the embryo) of a piece “lives” in our hearts, eyes, and minds for days. Then it spontaneously and uncontrollably erupts and begins to take shape. When you realise you have grasped it, a marvellous path of interpretative development begins. The initial idea, still muffled, flows freely through hand-drawn sketches: a succession of drawings and lines with which we try to give form to the original intuition. It is necessary to draw and sketch for a long time, continuously refining the expressive language.

This is not an individual journey. In Lineasette, group work is important: it is a stimulating and enriching moment. The integration of multiple intuitions and personal experiences elevates the original creative idea, thus favouring the design synthesis.

The design synthesis must represent Lineasette’s philosophy and history. Every piece must be born out of passion, be rich in meaning, and capable of conveying feelings; at the same time, it must be stripped of any superfluous detail, not loaded with details. The design must be sober and essential in its features, but rich in meaning and able to excite, communicating harmony and joy of living.

The designers’ creativity is brought to life by the ability of our Master Craftsmen.

It is necessary to get one’s hands dirty in the clay, to shape for pleasure, respecting the material and listening to what it says. In order to achieve a remarkable result, it is necessary to live in the artistic workshop, to be enraptured by it, to keep one’s hands in the earth mixed with water, dedicating oneself with great passion. With the help of a few tools and the support of the design team, the expert craftsmen mould the clay with skill and mastery, creating the original prototype of the work. And then the valuable design work is realised.

It is from this original model that Lineasette’s characteristic craftsmanship will begin. Each object will be personally curated by the designers and followed through the various stages of production, from design to the final product, thus guaranteeing the quality of the craftsmanship.